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Data 7 Negara Dengan Penduduk Islam Terbanyak

Country is a region on the surface of the earth whose power politics, military, economic, social, religious and cultural regulated by the government in the region.The primary requirement is to have people of a country, have a territory, and has a sovereign government. While the secondary requirement is to receive recognition from other countries.Within countries there is also a religious beliefs or different among each other. Among his Islamic religion, here below is the data 7 countries with the highest Islamic religious population.

1. Indonesia: 182,570,000 peopleIndonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world. Although 88% of the population is Muslim, Indonesia is not an Islamic state. Muslims in Indonesia is also known for its moderate and tolerant. In the year 30 Hijri or 651 AD, only about 20 years later than the death of the Prophet, the Caliph Uthman ibn Affan RA sends delegation to China to introduce the Islamic State that has not been long standing. In a journey which took four years, the delegates turned out to Uthman had stopped in the archipelago. A few years later, in the year 674 AD, the Umayyad dynasty had established trading bases in the west coast of Sumatra. This is the first introduction to the Islamic population of Indonesia. Since then the sailors and Muslim merchants continued to arrive, century after century. They buy produce from the land is green nan while preaching.

2. Pakistan: 134,480,000 peoplePakistan is a country located in South Asia. With more than 150 million inhabitants, Pakistan's name is taken from the prefix area of ​​Punjab, Afghan, Kashmir, Sind and Baluchistan. While in the Persian Pak means pure and Stan meaningful state so that the founder of Pakistan expect a holy nation according to the teachings of Islam.

3. India: 121 million peopleIslam is the second largest after the Hindu religion (80.5%). There are approximately 174 million Muslims, 16.4% of the population. Since its introduction into India, Islam has made religious donations, art, philosophy, culture, society and politics to history, heritage and life of India.

4. Bangladesh: 114,080,000 peopleIslam is Bangladesh's largest religion, the Muslim population of more than 130 million and is nearly 88% of the total population, according to census 2001. Islam came to Bengal region since the 13th century, mainly by the arrival of Arab traders, and the conquest of Persia Saints daerahl One is the famous Muslim saint, Shah Jalal.

5. Turkey: 65,510,000 peopleThe area consists of Modern Turkey has a long Islamic tradition and rich melatar back to the Seljuk era and the beginning of Empires Uthmaniyyah. Turks in culture and history are Muslims.

6. Iran: 62,430,000 peopleThe early history of Iran including the country of Iran and also in neighboring countries which have similarities in culture and language. At that time, these countries are ruled by empires such as Media and Achaemenid. Sassanid Persian Empire is the last before the arrival of Islam. Then the Persians joined some early Islamic Caliphate.
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