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7 Celebrities with the Most Sexy Body Shape

7 Celebrities with the Most Sexy Body Shape

7 Selebriti dengan Bentuk Tubuh Paling Aduhai
claimed to be perfect. Many celebrities who try hard to maintain her figure.
In addition to rigorous exercise and diet, there is also a wish to obtain the ideal body shape by way of instant like plastic surgery. Here is a list of celebrities with the most fantastic body shape:
10 Selebriti 10 Celebrities with the Most Sexy Body Shape
10 Selebriti
1. Kim Kardhasian
Kim Kardhasian become one of the celebrities who often gets the spotlight in Hollywood. 30-year-old actress was suddenly famous after the release of her sex video with R & B singer Ray J. Kim was also admired for her body shape is beautiful. Stars ‘Disaster Movie’ was admitted trying hard to keep his body by going to the gym. But he is also rumored to perform plastic surgery in the ass.
2. Megan Fox
Actress Megan Fox tried hard to get that sexy body shape. Stars ‘Transformers’ has a special trainer to make compressed body-weight routine. The way it is now popular among Hollywood celebrities.
Australian model, Miranda Kerr should be included in the list of celebrities with the most fantastic body shape. Miranda renowned as one of ‘Victoria’s Secret Angels’. Wife of actor Orlando Bloom was very concerned that her body shape. He was very obsessed with healthy living. In addition to a number of sports such as yoga and pilates, Miranda also nutrition school in Australia to keep its food.
4. Jessica Biel
Actress Jessica Biel has the body a more toned and sexy after she starred in action film ‘The A Team’. To portray the character in the film, Jessica is expected to have excellent stamina. He also sports double the usual. Previously, women born March 3, 1982 was just doing yoga three times a week and shooting practice. But who would have thought if the owner’s full name Jessica Claire Biel was in fact he had managed to climb the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro?
5. Jennifer Aniston
Although he was already stepping 41 years, actress Jennifer Aniston still looks awesome when wearing a bikini. But it’s not plastic surgery is the choice of Jen to have the ideal body shape. Movie stars ‘He’s Just Not That Into You’ that make Zone Diet for years. In addition, Jen is also doing cardio and yoga for 2 hours each day.
6. Marissa Miller
Just like Miranda Kerr, Marissa Miler model is also one of ‘Victoria’s Secret Angels’. Every curve of her body away from fat deposits. To maintain an ideal body shape and always looks sexy, Marissa always go to the gym. The 32-year-old model admitted someone who ‘hard-core’ if it is fitness.
After discussing the six most sexy female celebrities, now we see anyone male celebrities with most beautiful body.
7. Cristiano Ronaldo
Soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo is certainly a dream of women all over the world. Besides being famous and a lot of money, he also has a handsome face and perfect body shape. With a six-pack stomach, calves taut and brown skin color, I wonder if the stars ‘Real Madrid’ was favored Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian.
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